Sunday, January 27, 2008

Knee Pain Because Of Masterbathing

Volatility Index

Measurement standard deviation.
It measures the oscillations of the price of an asset over a given period. They will be more significant over a short period, more volatility is high.

Can A 10 Month Old Dog Has Disease

Options on Futures

An index is a statistical measure to measure the performance of a set of assets (CAC 40, Dow Jones, ...) A
index on future will measure the performance of futures contracts on the underlying.

Lindsay Dawn First Pic

right to buy or sell a financial product (eg action) at a predetermined price (strike or exercise price).
The exercise of the option may be either a specific maturity date (option "European") or during a period to maturity (option "American").
In return for this right the buyer of the option pays a premium (or premium).

An option is said in the currency (in the money) when its exercise provides a gain to the holder. She is said to be out of money (out of the money) otherwise. Finally, if the exercise price is equal to the value of the underlying, the option is the currency (at the money).

Price option will depend on:
- exercise price: the more it will be removed from the market price on the date of the contract the more likely to exercise the option will be low and therefore the higher the price of the option will be low.
- the date of maturity: the more it will be removed from the day the contract is more likely to exercise the option will be strong and therefore the higher the option price will be high.
- the volatility of the underlying asset: the more it will be stronger, the probability of exercising the option will be strong and therefore the higher the option price will be high. Different models

Avaluator options exist. the best known is the model Black-Scholes

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Plain Vanilla

Said of financial derivatives simple (unstructured) as Futures the options ...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Brachial Neuritis Blog


financial instrument called "simple derivative. it is a standard contract covering a sub asset (oil, interest rates, stock indexes, ...) to be delivered (if the futures contract is purchased) or to be issued (if the futures contract is sold) to a certain date at an agreed price.
Ce contrat donne à l'achateur ou au vendeur du futures l 'obligation d'acheter ou de vendre le sous jacent. Alors qu'un contrat d'option donne le droit d'acheter ou de vendre le sous jacent.